As Tearfund staff member on this trip Harold has offered me a turn on the blog today. So what follows are a few of my thoughts.
It is wonderful to be back in SE Asia- gentle and friendly people, green paddy fields and familiar but exotic sights and sounds. (Our family lived in the neighbouring country of Lao from 2005 - 2008). I'm very excited to see more of one of Tearfund's partners work firsthand, having also worked with Tearfund in the 1990s in Pakistan/Afghanistan and now being a staff member in the Teddington office.
CHO certainly doesn't disappoint - they are the church in the community bringing God's Kingdom in every area of life. This is Tearfund's distinctive way of working through the church to bring transformation in poor communities. We have seen how CHO are responding to all variety of needs especially focusing on children, while recognising that to help children you must also help their families to have a livelihood. From the desperate stories of children abandoned or even sold by their parents but now cared for at CHO's Safe Haven, to families like Suot's, who couldn't afford to send his kids to school after he lost his job when a cement factory closed down. He had no income until CHO gave him training and helped him set up a small holding where he grows gourds and beans and has the dignity of being his own boss and being able to send his kids to school. CHO is bringing hope to so many in Poi Pet.
Chomno is an inspiring leader with a big vision - he looks forward to a day when the Cambodian church will be transforming every village. He also dreams that maybe one day a child that they have either rescued or educated will grow up to become prime minister. It is thrilling to realise that we are a part of this work - as members of God's fantastic family. Thank you to any of you who have supported Tearfund or the Bishop's Appeal - you have enabled this transformation.
I think Harold wanted me to say a bit having to lead a team of 5 men (said with a twinkle in his eye which those of you who know him will be able to imagine).....but there has not been any issue with this; I have only been aware of 5 talented and unique individuals. It has been exciting to see how God is at work in and through each member of our team. We are a diverse group but each passionate about playing our part in His Kingdom. We have this in common with each other and with the CHO staff which brings a sense of purpose and unity that it is difficult to describe.
Thanks for reading to the bottom; we hope that these posts give you a glimpse into this trip and into where your prayer and financial support is directed if you have given these. Most of all though I hope you will feel encouraged if you are a member of the body of Christ by what your relatives are doing and if you would like to know more please do contact me at Tearfund or maybe even consider going on a trip yourself.
Billie Anderson
very well said bill. Hope your last few days together are excellent. Sounds like you've covered a lot of ground, and that it's been very worthwhile for the team!